The complexity is intense. Last week, in a studio nosing around the duo of mid-engined models that Aston Martin brought to the Geneva motor show, the complexity is what I was reminded of. 

The AM-RB 003 is a car two years away from production, one which doesn’t yet exist, and yet the extraordinary accuracy, complexity and detail of the full-sized model created to preview it, and to allow its designers and engineers (and potential customers) to understand it, is a work of thousands of hours and untold costs. 

It was wheeled around, rotated on wheeled jacks, to the perfect spot under the lights by Aston design studio employees – one a full-time miller, one a full-time clay modeller – two of the firm’s 3000 workers. 

Elsewhere, even as we filmed late into the night, others of the thousands would be night-time testing development cars, running the all-new twin-turbo hybridised V6 engine on test beds, digital or otherwise, and simulating, on computer or in reality, the life this car will lead. 

And alongside 003 sat the Vanquish Vision; a year further away, a slightly simpler full-scale model, with no interior, but on the path to a production reality in 2022 as the series-production Aston Martin Vanquish. 

It’s an extraordinary-looking car, an extraordinary departure for a company like Aston, whose previous architecture – the adaptable VH aluminium set-up – begat different models that both looked similar and did similar. 

Not this time. The Vanquish will arrive as a new kind of Aston. Whereupon it’ll compete directly against mid-engined cars from Ferrari, McLaren and Lamborghini

The rivals are all companies with, one way or another, billions of backing and decades of experience; each with thousands of people working millions of hours and spending billions of pounds in a race to compete for your affection and your money. 

Even then, two blokes who work in a shed will come along and say they can do it better.