Plant will move from a three-shift pattern to two shifts in October, reducing capacity by around 10%
The old Swift Sport was the last atmo hot hatch standing. We gave it a last hurrah along with two past masters of the breed
Learners are being offered a limited number of test slots following lockdown but there are more than 150,000 in the queue
JLR uses the AJ V8 in its F-Type (above) and larger SUVs
Future secured for supercharged engine, which had been uncertain after Ford announced Bridgend closure
European operations appear to have been wound down amid slow sales and trouble for Chinese parent firm
Highways England will spend £14bn on upgrading motorways and major A-roads, £11bn on repairing network
SUVs make the most cash but emit more CO2. What to do?
SUVs make the most cash but emit more CO2, putting manufacturers in a difficult position
£2.6bn: The investment required to build a 30GWh factory, planned by Britishvolt for 2027
British car makers are in talks with a firm that plans to produce EV batteries in Wales
YouGov poll results show that 69% of UK drivers would not be 'comfortable' sharing the roads with driverless vehicles
Research also suggests motorists will favour brands that have helped their communities during lockdown
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