After almost 50 years of the toughest work, the Lada Niva finally has its retirement planned. We pay tribute
A British engineering firm has become the world’s premier supplier of automotive driveline systems. We speak to the man in charge…
Schemes to get youngsters safely behind the wheel are helping to cement the car’s place in our future society
Our man is scratching his head over model numbers - and it's not the first time
Brooklands museum celebrates 95 years since the very first British Grand Prix
The writing is on the wall for diesel cars, and the same might be true for diesel machinery too. So how will we replace it?
Petrolheads with stories could be right on your doorstep, as we found out
We drive a 911 - with the numberplate A 911 - along the A911, before (with good reason) diverting 120 miles north to Aberdeenshire
With a combined 2000 horses and room for one more in the back, which of these three lusty luxury load-luggers does it best?
Politicians' EV reluctance shows the need for education and investment
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