You’ll have noticed, I hope, that despite lockdown the flow of car news and reviews hasn’t entirely stopped. There are good reasons for this.
For one, it’s still possible to source test cars from some car makers in Germany so our man on the spot, Greg Kable, has been as busy as possible driving and writing.
For another, the car industries of Korea and China are just starting to perk up again and this, along with the fact that we had a few tests and features in the pipeline, as it were, means we’ve got pretty watertight publishing plans reaching well into June. By that stage we calculate this virus thing might just about be abating. If not, as one colleague remarked recently in the 10am video meetings our team members now join from their homes, we’ll have to start testing Mini-badged fountain pens and Mercedes-Benz watches…
But there’s another reason why our mag and web pages are not simply displaying acres of white space. It’s because of the relatively cordial relationship that exists between the car industry and us. The two sides aren’t exactly matey: there will always be a degree of tension between a business that seeks to build a reputation by selling an expensive product in a very tough market, and another that takes licence to criticise it without fear or favour.
But right now, each appreciates the other’s position. Manufacturers want to keep their names prominent; media outlets need material. Vauxhall, for instance, has been issuing pictures and interesting snippets about its greatest cars. Others have been punting stories about anniversaries and technical advances and whatever else they can think of. It has been an interesting cooperative effort.
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I remember my father in the early 70's telling me to never buy a car from its first two years production run. Still holds true today, but I do fear that in group comparison tests journos sometimes see any model older than two years as already at a disadvantage.
When you work all the time in an industry where you constantly experience new product , and often years before Joe Public casts an eye on it, you can become a little blase` .
Why not let the regular journos do the usually well executed job of detailing the technical bit on a group test as usual, and supplement it at the end with an opinion from a member of the public . They can put a perspective of someone who takes different things into account . I would suggest, real world pricing, including lease and PCP, and access to dealers/servicing as a start. Are differences in ride, handling, comfort, equipment etc, as important as some journalists think they are?
Notwithstanding all that diatribe above, I think generally you do a great job most of the time. Especially in these trying times. Keep entertaining and informing please.
" ....licence to criticise it
" ....licence to criticise it without fear or favour."
That one has passed me by...